Emerald, known as Panna in Hindi, is a mesmerizing gemstone celebrated for its captivating green hue and timeless elegance. Renowned for its association with prosperity, growth, and wisdom, Emerald has captured the hearts of gemstone enthusiasts and jewelry connoisseurs for centuries.
Tips to wear Emerald
- Emerald rings should be worn in gold or silver or panchdhatu ring and should be put on the little or index finger of the working hand.
- Emerald should touch your skin to get better results.
- It should be worn on Wednesday and before wearing Emerald, it should be dipped in Cow milk or Gangajal for 10 minutes.
- While wearing the stone, it would be more beneficial if you chant the mantra below
|| ॐ बुं बुद्धाय नमः ||
|| ॐ Bum Buddha Namah ||
Origin and Formation
Emerald is a variety of the mineral beryl, distinguished by its rich green coloration caused by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium. It forms deep within the Earth's crust under conditions of high pressure and temperature, often found in sedimentary rocks alongside other minerals.
Physical Properties
Emerald boasts impressive physical properties, including a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable for everyday wear. Its vibrant green color and exceptional transparency contribute to its allure, with higher-quality specimens exhibiting intense saturation and minimal inclusions.
Benefits of Emerald
- Emerald stone is very benifical to gain intellectual qualities and wisdom.
- Emerald stone is considered to good for the students who are prepareing for competitive exams.
- Emerald is regarded as the ‘Stone of Prosperity’. It represents vitality and growth.